Connected Solutions



A More Powerful Coworking Platform: The New WUNHD Redesigned

Rebuilt. Rediscovered. Re-imagined. We are ready to take it to the next level for 2017. We’ve redesigned the front end user interface of the WUNHD platform from the ground up. Based on the feedback from both our customers and engineers, this new facelift will go the extra mile in connecting users and improving functionality. Engineered […]

Art and Coworking

New Opportunities Through Expression Just a few days ago we had this little thing in our backyard called Art Basel. If you’re not a Miami person, you probably don’t know how much of an international phenomenon it has grown to become. Art Basel is a once a year festival where galleries and exhibitions ignite the […]

Around the World

A Look At the Global Expansion of Coworking Quickly vanishing are the days of working in a grey cubicle, where workers are separated from their colleagues and social interactions only occur around the water cooler or break room. As the future of work changes to meet the needs of the modern workforce, Coworking has become […]

Industries that Benefit from Coworking

Industries that Benefit from Coworking In 2016, the modern workforce is beginning to look for work environments that are inspiring and stimulating, that foster innovation and that provide opportunities for collaboration at an increasingly rapid rate. As a result, a growing number of Coworking spaces are emerging in cities throughout the country and around the […]