Connected Solutions



Real Time Reporting for Coworking and Shared Spaces

Real-time reporting and analytics goes beyond accuracy, automation, and organization, it’s an important ally to the growth and sustainability of your workspace. Not only does it keep your workspace organized in terms of leads, opportunities, and tracking the usage of each and every member, The WUN Platform is more than capable of helping you identify […]

Reviewing The Global Workspace Industry Financial Survey by GWA

In Spring 2017, the Global Workspace Association conducted their annual Industry survey. This year’s findings seemed to highlight that 2017 was a year of “More Players, More Profit, and More Productivity.” The Global Workspace Association is a professional organization of industry leaders, workspace operators, corporate real estate professionals and more. The goal of this report […]

How Much Does it Cost to Open a Coworking Space?

Among the essentials to opening a Coworking space there will be costs associated with every step that you take. The most important ones to consider are the ones associating with opening a space, keeping the place in operation, and finding the ways to grow the space. These subjects will be further touched upon in our […]

Three Things Coworking and Shared Space Operators Overlook Most

The business landscape is shifting from the baby boomers to the millennials making decisions. With this said the demand for technology has risen with this change in the demographic. Here are a few things that could make or break the rate of member retention within your Coworking  and Shared Space. Given the rising interest of […]

Three Hottest Coworking Trends in Commercial Real Estate (CRE)

Coworking is a phenomenon the world has only begun to grasp. Over the past few years, the amount of spaces continue to grow significantly. If you’re into Commercial Real Estate (CRE) you have probably observed this trend and have an interest in getting involved. When looking to break into Coworking spaces for CRE, one must […]