Connected Solutions



Office Perks to Attract Top Tier Workers

Office Perks is a subject where Coworking operators have recently been creative. This is the golden age of unique office perks with businesses of all sizes buying in. Workspaces today are hosting special events, opening yoga studios, and even organizing group vacations. While working remotely within a Coworking space may be an awesome office perk […]

Why Building a Startup in a Coworking Space is The Right Move.

We all know the story of the successful startup company that comes from working in the back of a truck or a relative’s garage. These stories, however, are more of the outliers rather than the norm. As startup businesses began to succeed more often, the Coworking spaces and incubators they inhabited could no longer stay […]

Why Coworking Software is a Coworking Space Necessity

We could list all the benefits to Coworking software, such as how it saves time, money, and generates efficiency for your workspace, but that would take up more space than our entire features page, a few ebooks, and an hour-long webinar to explain everything. If you’re reading it’s probably that you already know Coworking software […]

Three Facts About Coworking Costs

Becoming well-versed in the costs associated with the operation of your space is essential to remain sustainable and profitable. One must be mindful of the recurring costs that can eventually become hurdles to your growth. To be a successful operator you must have an awareness of various factors including rent, operating costs, agreements with landlords, […]

11 Incredible Coworking Statistics That Will Make You Leave Your Cubicle

Coworking continues to be an unconventional, disruptive force that, by design, is boosting morale, productivity, and cost effectiveness. 2017 has been another year of changes and creating a significant shift in the way we work. Now that corporations and worldwide entities are entering the fold, we certainly expect many of these trends to rise. With […]

Top 10 Coworking Spaces in The Country You’d Love to Work In

Coworking spaces provide convenience, accessibility, and a unique working environment like no other. Several of these spaces all over the world are known for taking the initiative and going the extra mile. Whether it be a unique design that inspires creativity, an exemplary customer service that takes a genuine interest in the growth of your […]