Connected Solutions



Learn Why Coworking Centers Will Take Over Every Office

There are several statistics highlighting the rise of Coworking spaces in influence and attendance, notably higher revenues, greater demands, and new demographics coming into the fold. Just a few months ago, SoftBank invested $4.4 Billion into workspace as a service provider WeWork, with the promise of other big moves along the way. There is a […]

How to Improve Workspace Culture

Improving the company culture does not have to be costly. There isn’t an installation, implementation, or a configuration that boosts your member retention and builds community amongst your coworkers. Improving workspace culture is a matter of character and your members believing they are getting the most out of their experience. We’ve outlined 4 simple features […]

How Billing Software Is Making Coworking Smoother & Simpler

If members are the lifeblood of your business, for a Coworking or shared space, billing is the act of breathing. How thoroughly and efficiently you can manage existing payments and invoices as well as keep up with the demand for new members and spaces, can speak volumes about the mobility, flexibility, and scalability of your […]

How a Coworking Space Falls Under Remote Employees Best Practices

One of the types of workers that benefit most from Coworking spaces are the remote workers. A remote worker is defined as someone who works out of the office location whether it be from home, a coffee shop, or another country. Businesses benefit from the increased productivity of remote workers, provided that the remote worker […]

How Will A Smart Office Make Your Life Easier

Working within a smart office is more than hip, it’s practical. Beyond the fancy new screens, sleek user interfaces, and futuristic décor, there are new underlying processes that makes the smart office a more productive, efficient, and collaborative place to work. As an operator or a member, a smart office makes business life more connected. A […]