Connected Solutions



Shared Space Office Design Fails to Avoid

Just as much as it can lead to a positive impact on your members, the design of a shared space can easily hinder productivity and success.  Even if all the other pieces for a healthy, profitable space are in place – reliable internet, great technological infrastructure, high retention rate – a poorly designed coworking space can deter […]

Yardi Think Tank: Building a Flexible Brand

In another installment of the Yardi coworking Think Tank series, we compiled a panel of industry experts to discuss secrets of success in a coworking market that’s more competitive than ever. The full piece appeared in Property Week and the link to the complete free article is at the bottom of this post. Panelists: Maria Cheung  – […]

Key Resources When Starting a Coworking Space

Starting up a coworking space for the first time can be a challenge. But like any other business endeavor, it can be extremely rewarding both financially and from a personal standpoint. Let’s take a look at some of the most valuable resources when starting a coworking space and the most important questions a prospective operator or […]

Marketing Strategy for Growing Coworking Spaces

As the coworking and shared space industry continues to grow and evolve, it’s becoming much more evident that profitability is not only viable, there are ways to maximize and continue to grow your profits as an operator. Let’s dive in detail into the best coworking marketing strategy for maximum growth. Host Events You’ve likely heard about the […]

Best Ways to Improve Coworking Member Retention

Running a Coworking space, like any other business, requires attracting clients, and then keeping them at a high rate. Otherwise, you’ll be in a constant state of churn which is a burden for your operation, but also is an indication you’re not doing some things right, making members want to seek greener pastures. Let’s take a look […]

Pros and Cons of Niche Coworking Spaces

With the well-documented growth of niche coworking spaces, let’s explore the pros and cons to this industry. First of all, what is a niche space? Coworking has grown so much that a sector for specialized, targeted spaces toward a specific market has evolved. For example, there are women’s only spaces that are thriving throughout the […]