Connected Solutions



Attracting Members After Offices Reopen

Recently, remote work has defined office work: due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the office was replaced by the home study or living room couch. But working from home provided a different experience for everyone, with the lack of interaction and contact with coworkers being the primary complaint. And, while there are still uncertainties as to […]

Who Is an Ideal Member for Your Coworking Space and How Do You Know?

As an owner of a coworking space, having a marketing strategy to attract members is essential. To keep your space filled, you want to not only attract new members but also keep your old ones. And, while more companies are showing an interest in coworking spaces — making it easier to find members given the […]

Build a Successful Coworking Space … and Beat the Competition

As a coworking space operator, you must constantly be aware of your competition. With more and more coworking office spaces hitting the market, and some companies still preferring traditional office spaces, you have to understand the market, your competitors, your clients and, above all, your space to know what it has to offer that your […]

Proptech Trends in Flexible Workspace

We’ve covered six of the most exciting proptech trends in 2021 below, so read on for an insight into the future of tech in coworking and flexible workspaces. (This is a guest post for Yardi by Zoe Ellis-Moore – owner of Spaces to Places and an expert in the flexible workspace sector.) From video-calling family […]